Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal

I started eating these over the summer and wanted to keep track of some of the combinations that I've tried. 
Here is the blog:

The basic recipe that I use is 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup yogurt, 1/3 cup of milk, 1 tsp of chia seeds, sometimes I add honey
The original recipe recommends plain greek yogurt and vanilla extract.  I prefer to use regular vanilla yogurt. 

Some of the variations that I've tried:

Pineapple coconut: In exchange for regular milk, you can use coconut milk and then add 1/4 cup of crushed pineapple.

I've also used mint chocolate coconut milk and 1/4 cup of chocolate chips. 

Apple cinnamon: Add 1/4 applesauce and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon.  Decrease the milk or it gets too runny.

Banana berry: add 1/2 sliced banana and 1/4 cup of blueberries or mixed berries

Pumpkin Pie: add 1/4 cup pumpkin, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg

Peach: Add 1/4 cup of canned peaches or very soft peaches.  May need extra liquid. 

Before refrigeration

After refrigeration

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